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By sirpiti
#131123 I had the pixelmon 3.0.4 and I came out all right but when you update and I got my private world parti again and get out and go back in then all my pokemons where deleted, actually rises pokemons page to choose the starter. pixelmon is in 3.1 and 3.1.2.
this always happens to get back into.

what should I do?
hel please!!!!

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By KuroMakai
#131182 When you updated the version, I'm going to guess you didn't keep and use your old player file which had all the data of your pokemon (team and pc). If you do, I'd suggest using those files instead of the ones that generated for the update. I'm not entirely sure if it works or not, but it's worth a try. Also make sure you backup your world and make all safe-checks before doing this for security and safety reasons :)