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By bball331
#131137 Your channel size doesn't matter, just a few side rules before we get started though.
1. No Cursing
2. Must be free to do at least two episodes a week. (Exceptions may apply)
3. MUST have Skype/Razer
4. Preferable 17 or younger
5. You must be familiar with Pixelmon/Pokemon
6. Must be able to speak English fluently

That is basically it, but comment down below or send me a message on Skype at bball_331 for any questions/if you are interested.

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#131324 I know of a server where lots of players follow those requirements ^-^ (including myself) I'm psrt of the staff team there so I'll be there when you need me to most likely. ^-^

If you want to know the IP just /msg me or something ;)