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By Docjoe
#131150 I'm not sure if this is a bug, more like a curiosity. This is in my single player world. I managed to track down an ice plains spikes biome and started exploring it. Oddly enough, I haven't seen any pokemon spawn within the biome, but I have along the edges of the biomes. My minimap mod also picks up signals that are probably underground in the caves.

I tried to isolate the biome by making a superflat, but i got spawns from that. Here's my code if you were curious
Code: Select all2;1x7,50x1,1x80,1x78;140;mineshaft(chance=0.01),decoration

It's most likely not the biome tags cause i saw normal ice plain spawns in the superflat. My top two layers were snow blocks and snow layers, so that's not the problem. My guess is that all the spikes were not providing enough open space to spawn a group of pokemon.

Mods used:
Pixelmon 3.1.4
VoxelMap 1.7.2-1.0
(and about a dozen others)

Seed: -7713472810437777034 default world type
location (-291 71 520)

Anybody else notice something like this? Should I forward this to the bug reports or is it already known?

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By mattymaats
#131174 It's working fine for me in a spikey ice / ice plains biomes