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By benNmacie
fireballspinner » 28 Jul 2014 11:59 wrote:I was wondering if i can use Pixelmon 3.1.4 for my modpack. Please contact me through email or reply to post. My email is: [email protected] I hope you can answer as soon you see this post. Ill be waiting for the answer

pixelmon cannot be in your modpack, make a mod pack with the mods and have pixelmon be seperate
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By xBeksimx
#133256 For clarification. The Pixelmon team will not let you have Pixelmon in your modpack. So what you need to do is this:

1.) Make your entire mod pack (Without Pixelmon)
2.) Post your Modpack on Technic or somewhere else.
3.) Leave a link to the Pixelmon page. ""
4.) Give instructions for them to install Pixelmon them selves to that modpack.
5.) Profit.