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By bball331
#133277 Please don't just come here to advertise some hosting company you work for, I am looking for honest opinions on who you all think has the best hosting out there, just leave a link to their website down below, MUST be able to run Pixelmon.
Thanks guys!

By pelagius_septim
#133283 I would suggest looking around seeing which hosts suit you best. I used iGamehost, and I loved them. They also had a nice price... But I suggest looking around the internet, and then shooting them a email or support ticket and see if you are able to use Pixelmon with them, and what I did was explain my server, and asked for a scholarship. I ended up getting one month free, and they ran the pay-pal.
By floh22
#133345 Most root server hosts. Its so much cheaper for what you get and you can customise the server however you want. You can also run TS and whatever on it, so its a lot more multifunctional.

I use webtropia cause I need a pretty strong server, but for smaller ones I like server4you. It requires you to learn a bit of bash if you don't know it already, but it's worth it.
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By JamieS1211
floh22 » 29 Jul 2014 14:32 wrote:Most root server hosts. Its so much cheaper for what you get and you can customise the server however you want. You can also run TS and whatever on it, so its a lot more multifunctional.

I use webtropia cause I need a pretty strong server, but for smaller ones I like server4you. It requires you to learn a bit of bash if you don't know it already, but it's worth it.

seconded. I hate nothing more then web control panels, slot limitation and all the restrictions on the hardware you are renting. You pay for the hardware you should do with it what you please.

I <3 Image
By TheZigswagoon
#133502 I have used LimeHosting for about 2 years. They have next to no downtime, near instant customer support, and they are cheap! is their website. ^.^