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By Jakky89
#133575 Hello!

I have a problem with getting Pixelmon Commands like pokeheal, pokebattle or pokebattle2 working within Command Blocks. It would be really useful for different things. I tried many different ways but I was not able to get it working. With Minecraft-Commands it seems to work fine when I use e.g. instead of
Code: Select all/pokebattle2 @p[78,64,21,2] @p[78,64,23,2] @p[78,64,25,2] @p[78,64,27,2]
the command:
Code: Select all/tell Jakky89 @p[78,64,21,2] @p[78,64,23,2] @p[78,64,25,2] @p[78,64,27,2]
it tells me the four space separated players when they are on the right place.

Any solution for this problem yet?

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By Quakthorn2
#138093 I have had issues with getting Pixelmon commands to work on Command blocks as well. I'd love to see a way to make it work. Mainly being able to introduce Double Battles to gym battles.
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By bobbanana09
#138131 I've also had my issues with command blocks. If you're on a server I suggest a command plugin like SVS. A little weird for a player to hit a sign rather than a pressure plate, but I liked it.

Let me know how it goes.