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By Wonkyy
#133826 how does one fix it? It would be extremly annoying if i cant use this mod just because of this glitch. I have relatives whos computers graphic cards are more shit than mine and they run this no problem. Ive used other mods way bigger than this and no problem. Also i updated my graphics card still no difference.

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By JamieS1211
#133912 I suggest updating all your graphics drivers. This is an issue only for your computer and if it has no other mods etc. then it can't be an incompatability. Possibly a doggy forge version. You can try installing the recommended forge version for your pixelmon version (click the forge link on the downloads page)
By Wonkyy
#133979 I tried all of them but nothing works :/ hmmmm maybe i need to find a new graphic card that will work, but it still puzzles me why this glitch would happens. For some reason i have a feeling its not the graphics card but instead something with my computer or either something with the mod files. If it were the graphic wouldnt every pixelmon be white.