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By Jsketchy
#136307 Seed: 9195214163057899659

Has every important biome to the Northwest, including a Mesa, an Ice Spikes Plain, and two Mushroom Island. The only issue is that you spawn in the middle of an ocean, on an island with no trees. Use the Bonus Chest so you can build a boat, then head Northwest.
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By JamieS1211
Mdeezy777 » 02 Aug 2014 15:13 wrote:Hey, im looking for a great map thats great for playing pixelmon on :) Please could you guys help me? Thanks

You can find custom built land on build sharing sites like PMC. They wont have pixelmon resources tho. Anyway all seeds are nice if you travel far enough and part of the fun is making an area look nice even if it didn't start out looking good.