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By IaeyanElyuex
#133969 I tried searching this, but it said "how to update server" is too common. I really don't know, though.

I tried deleting my database and replacing it from the mod. That didn't work. I made a new server folder and moved the world file into it. I fixed the config settings after deleting the old one and letting Minecraft give me a new one.

I keep getting an error that looks like

Mod rejection (Pixelmon 3.1.4)

I'm using Forge and running Pixelmon 3.2.2. I thought I got rid of all the 3.1.4 stuff.

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By JamieS1211
#133971 to update your server you need to install the new forge version or cauldron version if nesacary and depending on what you use for the pixelmon version. The way I do this is download it to my computer. Then make a folder on the desktop called server and install it to that folder. Next I open FTP to my server and cpy the contents of the server folder on my desktop into the server directory. Then I tell it to overwrite same named files. To update the pixelmon mod itself you have to download the jar file for the version you want and the put it into the server mods folder. To play on the server you must have the same version of pixelmon in your .minecraft/mods/ folder as the server in the servers mods folder or you will get this mod rejection error
By IaeyanElyuex
#133977 Okay, I figured it out. But now it says I'm not whitelisted. I need the whitelist for my server, and I'm the admin. Do I need my username? My Mojang account? My UUID? How do I find out that last one?

EDIT: I figured it out. All I had to do was type /whitelist add, and then my username.

I need to sleep. I was up all night figuring this out.