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By VinceOrlando
WarLordK » 05 Aug 2014 13:16 wrote:To be completely honest, We here at Frost Entertainment have not been around long, But while we have, we have posted in the forums, and our server was getting 3-9 People on any given day. Now that y'all have upgraded to this Pixelmon list, no one joining our server finds us from there. I think it should be reverted back. So much more helpful the forum way.

We were tired of the constant spam posting and having to warn people to stop bumping every 5-10 minutes.

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By Kuwoobie
#134161 Why not just make a page on Pixelmonlist? Our server just posted yesterday and we only have like 30 votes, but we're already on the front page. It's best to get on it while it's new.