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By MaximusLi
#134589 Hello. I just registered, and have a question regarding rare spawns.

I know what the spawn rates are for rare(r) Pokemon. What I would like to ask is how the development team arrived at the current calculation and how they thought that the rare Pokemon are common/rare enough?

This is in regards to all rare Pokemon, legendaries included. I'm curious if the, for example, 1 in 15,000 chance for lengendaries to spawn was counted by assuming a specific session/server had X amount of players, and hence being reasonable. If that is the case, then single players are getting a bit needlessly punished, and it would literally be the same as just lowering the rarity manually via configurations (because you're doing kinda doing that by being in a server with multiple people). I am interested what the "assumed # of players" was when deciding the spawn rates, so I can adjust accordingly (without feeling too bad about it, lol). :)

Thank you for your time.

Oh, and PS: If the decision for the spawn rates was indeed adjusted by assuming there are multiple people in one gaming session, I might suggest a feature (in the appropriate section) of having the game automatically adjust the spawn rates to the amount of players at a given session/time. This way it would remain "fair".