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By IaeyanElyuex
#134590 I make and maintain a Pokémon-themed resource pack.
[youtube][/youtube] (Pardon the lagginess. I have a better computer now)

I was wondering if you could show me the directory for textures. I don't want to modify any sounds. Those are great the way they are. It's just that the Bauxite Ore and stuff like that uses the default stone texture as the background, and it leads to breaks and inconsistencies in the landscape.
I have a vanilla Minecraft version of this, but I plan to make a version that is optimized for Pixelmon.

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By MoeBoy76
#134591 an example of bauxite is: assets/pixelmon/textures/blocks/bauxiteore.png
the other ores are named: firestone, leafstone, leafstone_birch, leafstone_jungle, leafstone_spruce, sunstone, thunderstone, leafstone and fossiloreblock and are all in the same directory
By IaeyanElyuex
#134652 Thanks! This will actually be the first mod that is supported by this resource pack! I was planning to do some connected textures, but this comes first!