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By MaximusLi
#134704 Hi. I'm quite new to this game and don't entirely understand how this game's features work.

So how do I get Pokemon to spawn, by themselves, in a given game session? Am I right in assuming that whenever I enter a session the location I'm at spawns biome-specific Pokemon (the amount written in the cfg file)? So if I wanted to spawn in new Pokemon, the other Pokemon need to despawn (i.e. I have to get some distance to them) before new ones can spawn? But already existing spawns can't be "overwritten" by another spawn, until it despawns?

If so, what is the block distance I have to have in order to despawn the already spawned Pokemon? Or can I just stand around in biome X and wait around for new Pokemon to spawn?

I couldn't find anything about this in the wiki(s), so it would be much appreciated if I could get an answer to this. :)

By floh22
#134708 They work like vanilla mobs and items combined I guess. They spawn in loaded chunks in certain biomes at certain times. Once for example it reaches night a day only Pokemon will start a despawn timer. It will despawn once that timer is finished. They will also despawn if you unload the chunks Pokemon are in.
By MaximusLi
#134917 Thank you all for the replies, very informative. I now understand it a lot better.

If I may, I would like to ask some follow-up questions: Once I move into another biome, will the game force spawns in that biome (despawning the previous Pokemon), or will I have to wait for the previous Pokemon to despawn with their despawn timer (if I don't have enough distance to despawn them)?

Also, what is the distance I have to have for the Pokemon to despawn? Would a shorter draw distance despawn them quicker?

Thank you all for the replies. They are much appreciated :)