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By NeoEka
#134921 Thanks, isn't there a permission to allow pixelmon crafting & smelting? I can't seem to do it at all, (server not sp)
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By KuroMakai
#134922 Crafting and Smelting (Workbench and Furnances) are not restricted by commands. Either you're in a claim of a player you don't have access to, or someone made an oopsie with something like worldguard and forgot to put up the use flag to allow.
By NeoEka
#134923 Nope, the global flag for use is on allow. I've posted on the support section on this but no reply, either i was posting in the wrong section or they're just for show.
By NeoEka
#134926 Whenever anyone tries to craft anything Pixelmon Related, [Balls, Pc's Healers etc.] the item shows up for a second and disappears. And Smelting just does nothing.
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By KuroMakai
#134927 This sounds like 1 of 2 things. Either they don't have pixelmon on their server so when you try to make anything it disappears. Or the second option is a graphical error, in which you can still click on it and obtain the items.
By NeoEka
#134929 I'm the server owner and we 100% have pixelmon installed. And the 2nd thing isn't the problem. Tried re-installing pixelmon on the server and nothing.