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By Qrrcraft801
#135038 Hai there, I'm a big pixelmon fan, but one thing that bothers me, as I love singleplayer, Is i can't complete my dex without cheating! I need trade evolutions and porygon line. So my suggestion is, right, there'd be an item called the
Covenant Stone (i got the idea from a pokemon hack called Storm Silver), which if all requirements are met, you use it on that pokemon and it evolves. It can be toggled on/off in server config, to make it regular trade evolutions.
Next, would be a CRAFTABLE porygon!
1 AI (crafted with 4 Nether Quartz, 1 Diamond, and 4 Lapis)
1 PC
1 Thunderstone
1 Fire Stone
1 Water Stone
It gives you a Virtual Egg, (a red/blue Dragon Egg reskin) that in about 2 minecraft days Hatches into a Wild Porygon.
Much Love, and thanks for checking this out, Mr M. / SPG/ Anyone who likes pixelmon!

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By KuroMakai
#135049 We do have a features tracker that you can submit this to. However on the note of craftable porygon, the items to do such already exist in the database. We are waiting to release them.
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By CrazyQuilman157
#135054 Wish it was that easy in the fan-made Pokemon Zeta/Omicron. Have to upgrade your base to level 3 to get the trade evolutions...which are the final forms of two of the starters. It's depressing. But, I don't know how well this would work in Pixelmon...