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By Flashback083
#135088 Hello everybody, i want know if its possible to use mod morph with pixelmon v3.2 because i try on my server but i can't morph into pixelmon :/ i use potion of harming but i cant morph; someone have an idea to use morph in server ?

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By SheinoTheShiny
#135720 IT IS POSSIBLE! there is a command for morph mod i thinks its /morphtarget (when your looking at the pokemon) or like /targetmorph but you need to be oped to use it :D
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By bobbanana09
#135792 Maybe try throwing potions of harming at pokemon? Not sure if this works.
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By Noooooooooooooah
#136005 The CustomNPCs mod has ranged weapons, that will actually damage pokemon the last time I checked. If that's still do-able you can morph with that.
By RuddyTempest
#136046 I also have been having this problem, I've tried i think everything. Potions, Custom npc weapons, /morph targetmorph, and nothing works, its really quite annoying.

BTW does anyone know a way to get custom npcs to use pixelmon models? And also, does anyone know how to morph into a custom npc?
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By MoeBoy76
#136262 i've been playing with morph and i finally got it to work by setting "Write Entities To World Save"=true in the pixelmon.cfg
i'm going to play with it more and hopefully i'll make it work so that you can battle...