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By icetraigh
#135205 I'm trying to get a server going with them, but I'm not doing it correctly. They have a pre-made loader for pixelmon, but it's only version 3.1.4. I found how to make your own server on your own PC, but with the way MCPH is setup, I can't run a run.bat on the server side.

Does anyone here have a good, working 3.2.3 server with them? How did you set it up? Thanks a bunch for any info you can provide!!

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By FrozenJemima
#135208 i used Beastnode, they had an option on the control panel that would let you change the pixelmon version (But it costs money, but its worth it) <-- scroll down on that page
By icetraigh
Xenofo9 » 14 Aug 2014 10:18 wrote:I work with mcprohosting with 1.7.10 pixelmon. Just ask them and they update it for you for free... Amazing customer service!

Will do. I like how that beastnode looks, but I'd hate to have to spend more $$$ if I don't have to. Thanks!!

Agreed. MCPH is great. :)
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By bobbanana09
#135278 The problem with MCPH is, the fact that the process of adding a new version of anything takes them days.

You send in a ticket, they take about 20 hours (because so many people want the version, and it backs them up). They will then ask for your confirmation.. Which takes a while. Then, they usually create a new world so you lose your map until you log on and fix it.

I think they're a good company, but I think it is worth your time to figure out how to update it yourself.