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By JakeLaz
#135585 Dear Pixelmon staff and Players,
I love the idea of us choosing what pokemon to put in using the polls (Rilou is my new favorite pokemon!!!!). I was thinking maybe that one of the next polls might be legendaries (Ex. Dialga, Giratina, and Palkia, Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem). I wont suggest any for the vote, because some might be not made or ready yet, but I think it would be amazing. Also, I cannot model XD. One more also; I am not ungrateful for all the work you have done. I understand that this is a lot of work, up holding one of the top mods of minecraft. Please never stop! I love what you have done with the mod, and am excited to see what is to come :D !!!
A True Pixelmon Fan,

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By MoeBoy76
#135607 SPG has the next legendary set in the works for implementation, the special event needs to be finished before they are added and they will only be added in the order he chooses
By FallingShadow
#135615 Some of those the modders cannot add because of copyright laws. You should look into that so you don't ask for pokemon they can't legally add
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By Some Body
#135616 Only Gen 6 is not being implemented yet. Gen 5 and under are fair game.