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By Amyrala
#135763 I checked to make sure that nobody had a topic about this anywhere. I would like the Quick Ball to be added to the game, it is different from the fast ball (before anyone comes here thinking they're the same). The fast ball works exactly opposite to the timer ball, in that it is more effective if thrown at the beginning of the battle as a first turn, instead of fighting. I know it is in the later versions of the game but it is also my favorite type of pokeball. I would very much like to see it implemented if possible.

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By KuroMakai
#135764 This should probably go into the feature tracker as a suggestion versus a thread.
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By Noooooooooooooah
#135790 What? Quick ball is the opposite of the timer ball. Quick ball works best on the first turn of battle. The fast ball works best on any Pokemon with a higher speed stat than the one you have out, depending on how much faster it is. So many people confuse the effects, of think they're the same, so I thought I'd clarify that.
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By Some Body
#135791 Fast Balls work better on Pokémon with base Speed stats greater than 100. However, unless I'm missing something, their effects aren't in Pixelmon yet.