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By coolcat858
#135918 first of all alot of p[okemon in 3.2.4 have sizing glitches and second add more legends and add raikou swucuine and entei pokeballers is making a johtoh region soon so they need all the johto pokemon i also think u shoul add kingdra and more gen 2 pokes also add megas soon and make it so that in the fight screen u can use keyboard to move and pick moves cuase lets say ur using a wireless mouse u lose ur batterys but ur fighting a mewtwo u could ujust be like left right up throw masterball and yah i also recamond add a new design for fighting menu mayby add a backround like when u fight in a forest theres a forest backround kinda like x and y but it nly hapens if u enable it in config alsoadd somne more spawning structers like pokemarts or gyms or like make a new buttion on menu like story mode where u like take kanto from pokeballers and put it in story mode so if u dont have connection or just dont want to do multiplayer u can play it iik that would take alok of work same with backrunds but mayby u should add that in like 4.0 but all i really wnat right now for next update is more johtoh pokes and legends but the other stuff should be added later if u wanna do that enless u can do it fast nd its easy then add it when ever u want also make it so like u can fly if u have a mewtwo cuase it has psycic powers to lift u up or at least float

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By JamieS1211
#136033 anyone else notice the complete lack of punctuation? hard to read... Anyway if you have suggestions you can post them in the suggestions tracker if you want them implemented.