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By EtonRAWR34
#136506 Hey everyone! So I've noticed that the Morph Mod for Minecraft has updated to 1.7.10 and I tried it with Pixelmon. IT WORKS! Except..... you can't turn into a Pixelmon. My question is WHY NOT!??!?!? It worked when pixelmon was for 1.6 by throwing splash potions. If somebody finds a way, please tell me. Why just me, TELL THE WHOLE COMMUNITY! I'm sure a lot of people want to morph into a Mewtwo or a Braviary SO LET'S GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!

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By MoeBoy76
#136508 if you the following pixelmon config option:
B:"Write Entities To World Save"
to false it will work, however it will make your world save file larger