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By KiraShizumi
#136704 Okay so, I know a pokemon holding an exp share will get ev points from battled pokemon.

What I want to know is, if I have multiple pokemon in my party holding an exp share each, will they all get evs?

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By JamieS1211
KiraShizumi » 03 Sep 2014 05:09 wrote:Okay so, I know a pokemon holding an exp share will get ev points from battled pokemon.

What I want to know is, if I have multiple pokemon in my party holding an exp share each, will they all get evs?

All the pokémon that gain exp either by assisting in fainting the pokémon or via and exp share will get the EV yield of the pokémon defeated. If a pokémon faints it will not gain EVs from the pokémon that it failed to defeat just the same as it will not gain exp. If a pokémon has maxed out EVs in the area that the defeated pokémon gives EVs or had maxed out EVs overall they will also not gain EVs from assisting defeating the pokémon. Each pokémon can gain a grand total of 255 EVs in each stat and a total of 510 EVs between all stats.

If they get exp they will also get the ev yield.