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By d4rkH00k
#137082 I dont know if its different from server to server different. but the spawning in the wildness is awful.
something really needs to be changed there.

Also it happens that you encounter invisible pokemon. you can hear them. and when you throw a pokeball in that direction you also get in a battle with them. but you cant see them...

i am playing on rc-gaming.

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By Ren
#137118 "dont know if its different from server to server"
Pokemon spawn rates can be adjusted (Flying, land, water, underground) by server owners via the Pixelmon.cfg (config), thus meaning that spawn rates do usually differ from server to server. I would check with that particular server owner and ask them what their spawns are set too, or let them know that you find the spawning to be too low.
I personally run a server on 3.2.7 and am having no problems with spawn rates.