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By BurnyBurn
#138076 Pokeballs are too time difficult to craft? I think having to cook the apricorns is completely unecessary and adds nothing to the already great mod. Besides that what is the point of the anvil? If we go by the canon, nothing points to apricorns having to be hammered like some sort of metal but instead it's just hollowed out and decorated.

Does anyone else agree? I don't think it's that hard to make pokeballs but it's unecessarily time consuming IMO :?

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By dyinghere
#138081 I think the time consummation is the point, actually. Like you said, it isn't hard at all. But they want to at least make players put SOME effort into crafting, because once you find all the colors there's literally nothing stopping you from that point on. {Without the cooking and hammering, I mean.}
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By MoeBoy76
#138087 so if we go by game cannon (specifically gen 2 and Kurt) you wil take all day to craft 1 type of ball by carving it out and inserting the mechanism (which you also have to make), or we can stick with what we've got that uses minecraft crafting methods
By BurnyBurn
MoeBoy76 » 28 Sep 2014 22:48 wrote:so if we go by game cannon (specifically gen 2 and Kurt) you wil take all day to craft 1 type of ball by carving it out and inserting the mechanism (which you also have to make), or we can stick with what we've got that uses minecraft crafting methods

I would prefer that actually. Makes more sense than having to cook it and hammer it out.