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By Nanninga709
#138132 Hello, Whenever i start a singleplayer pixelmon i have huge fps lag. No problems when i join a normal pixelmonserver.
What can i do to fix this?

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By KiraTsukasa
#138133 When you first start a world, you're going to have world generation, which nothing can be done except to wait it out. Otherwise, in your video settings, reduce the render distance, set your graphics to fast instead of fancy, turn off mipmapping, disable clouds, and reduce particle effects and your lag should drop. It won't disappear completely, but it should make it better. If you're still getting a lot of lag, you might need to reduce the number of Pokemon that spawn at a time, which is found in the pixelmon.cfg file.
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By Some Body
#138134 This could also have something to do with Weedle's and Beedrill's bugged models. A fix for this is in the upcoming version.