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By OtterDragon
ghosthawk78 wrote:is v5 the newest?? if not can i plz get a link to new one, also this looks so awesome, brings back memories of the good ol days

Version 0.5 is currently the latest version!
I've been busy as of late, but you can expect more updates soon.
By TheGuyInYourWindow
#140140 The GUI Looks OP, Can we have some detailed information on when it is going to be released? or is it going to be released as a base file and we have to edit the Normal configuration file in our Pixelmon Mod?

Maybe can we have a sneak peak of when it is being released? or naww?
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By OtterDragon
#140884 Currently I have no plans to make a second GUI. If anything, I may extend pixelmon dark to be a full world texture pack, including all of minecrafts menus and all the different blocks, tools, etc.

However I'm currently working on starting up my own server, and looking for payed work.
I may start up a patreon if people are interested in seeing more like this done? I don't know though, never done anything like that.