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By Kryyss
#155554 On the plus side. I did discover that Custom NPC actually allows for you to create mobs and such with the PXMN models. Great for questing custom maps!

What I'd like to see in future updates of PXMN is more support for questing.
By Ryu13526
#156545 There was also an incompatibility between SAO UI by TheJackiMonster (Link: and Pixelmon. The problem is that when using both mods together, the Pokemon hotbar from the left cannot be seen. I hope you fix it! Thanks! :D
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By MrMasochism
#156574 Screenshot it. It's likely however that there's nothing we can do about it. Have you reported it to the SAO UI maker?
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By Tyzillion
#161435 Ummm so I saw that NEI should work and it does but everything is too far too the left.....
I am on a server btw. Latest 1.8 version of Pixelmon.