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By Quest God
#138449 Hello, I'm an owner of a server and when I make a Test world in single player to test stuff before doing it on the server, I have notice that the Item Id's doesn't match with the Id's from the server and I was wondering how to fix that.


Server: 4658
Single Player: 4709

Glitter PokeMail
Server: 4766
Single Player: 4425

Steel Gem
Server: 4825
Single Player: 4768

The Single Player list seems so much neater too while the Sever list seems like a huge mess.

- Thanks

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#138451 Its just how forge is assigning the ids to the server versus singleplayer. I believe it is reflexive with mods installed on both the client and server to determine the ids.
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By Jephon
#138455 Yup, Ids are now dynamic so best bet is to use the item database names. I don't think they have released a list of item names such as this but I believe you should be able to see the name by doing /itemdb with the item in your hand.
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By Lemonita
#138456 Forge itemid mappings are laying in the worldfile data settings, if you copy over a clean world with the itemid mapping files out of the data folder you can ensure to start a second world or second server with the same itemid mappings.

If you would start a new fresh world map with you will have totally different id mappings than world maps that got updated from older versions.

So you can either do two things:
1. If you have old world maps and multiple worlds that have to be the same itemid mappings you will have to copy world details over from that world to the new world for the first launch to get the same itemid mappings.
2. If you do not have old worlds you can just start from scratch and take off with the itemid mappings from the latest pixelmonmod version.

Secondy, if you want to ensure that your multiple worlds or servers stay on the same itemid mappings you will have to follow the same update procedure for all your worlds. As in do not skip any version of pixelmon you updated to because it may have contained a new item.

You may have to test out if there are any differences on singleplayer, but this method does apply for servers.

It is actually really easy to control, try it out.