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By emilandersson91
#138458 Yo!
The New balls as you know, are bugged.
If a Pokemon caught with a new ball is in your party, you crash. How can I edit my players files to delete the Pokemons caught in these balls / Change what balls it's caught in? Any Info? Removing their files solves the problem. Any ways to modify which pokemon is in your inventory?

~ Thanks

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By TheGoldenSnake
#138459 you might try just copying the file of the world and rename the copy then play on the copy. Only your pokemon should be missing I believe
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By emilandersson91
#138460 Never mind, I'll figure something logical out myself. Thanks for your time.
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By DJ_FluXxX
#138463 Someone released a guide on changing the ball the pokemon is stored in for your players. It's a temporary solution if you're experiencing this problem until 3.3.1 is released.