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By pikachuguy
#138509 Who's great idea was it to make breeding take at maximum 3 hours? Who has that time to waste?

This is actually greatly lowering my opinion of breeding in this mod, the insane amount of time it takes. Now, an hour max i could live with, but not three.

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By Some Body
#138512 Use more valuable materials and/or increase the ranch block's range with ranch upgrades.
By pikachuguy
#138513 That doesn't change the fact that the least amour of breeding time is 50 minutes. I could breed and train several 10,000ish step pokemon in that time on X.
By pikachuguy
#138515 Im on a server.
Also, i put a bunch if torches and oak logs in the ranch. Nothing changed.

BTW, I'm breeding a Raticate with a Growlithe.

EDIT: not to mention, /breed is glitches, so i wouldn't be able to breed them anyway.
By Halornek
#138516 Something I noticed, any changes you make to the ranch will take an immediate effect on the rate that pokemon breed at, but right clicking them to see their current affection growth will not update until you remove them from the ranch and place them back in. I was able to breed an Espeon with a Growlithe in a ranch comprised of mostly quartz and lava, with only 4 upgrades. They were both fairly happy and each egg took about 30-40 minutes to create. It's all about finding out what blocks work, what blocks don't, and being persistent with it.
By Halornek
#138582 I personally don't know exactly how it affects it. I haven't tested that myself yet. I've mostly been focusing on inheritance issues such as abilities, egg moves, and IVs. I can test out how the chunk loading seems to work with them later tomorrow and tell you what I find.