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By SeanShirayuki
#138611 I'm not too certain if this is the right place to post this since this is the first time i've posted a help question like this, But i am making my own adventure map for pixelmon, i have the map made, i just need to figure out the spawners. Is there a way to keep the water pokemon and the air pokemon spawning and dissable land spawning? Because in the config i set land spawning to 0 and every now and then i have 1-3 pokemon spawning on land.

The last question i have about the spawners is, is there a way to get them to work inside of a building? i'm trying to make a replica of Ho-oh's tower from soul silver (well the building design anyways) i have the floors as normal floors because i'm turning it into a more japanese styled pokemon tower from lavender town, but none of the spawners that i placed inside are spawning any ghost pokemon. i've tried changing the settings in the spawner to every setting other then underwater. Is there a way either of these things can be done with spawners?

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By XiaoKe
#138613 What I've found for the spawners is its best to disable all natural spawning then just use the spawners to manually spawn everything in. Not sure howjust removing spawning on certain biomes work because for my map I disabled all natural spawning and am manually setting up spawners.
As far as the spawners working inside a building I havent tried inside of anything as of yet but I have noticed that the spawners are kind of picky when it comes to where they are placed, for example I have several under water areas and the spawners didnt like being buried so I had to have them elevated slightly with the blocks on top after that... So if anyone else knows the behavior of them that would be helpful to me as well :-)
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By SeanShirayuki
#138614 In the config file i have all 5 generations set to true for spawning and for air pokemon, water pokemon and land pokemon i have them set to their normal numbers except land pokemon is at 0. i was hoping that would make pokemon stop spawning on land. as for in the building, i've set the spawner on the floor, in the floor, i've even tried putting it inside the center pillar and still nothing, i'm thinking that it has to do with the fact there's no lighting set up yet.
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By XiaoKe
#138616 I'll check what settings I have later when I get home, but I remember it was something to with setting the spawn biome to -1 or something like that.
The lighting could very well be your issue if the spawners work anything like vanilla spawners, I would say test it out by sticking some torches or glowstone up and see what that does for you.
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By SeanShirayuki
#138617 alrighty, thank you. and i didn't see anything in the pixelmon config about biome spawning o.0
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By SeanShirayuki
#138621 [update]
i put the land and cave spawning at -1 and nothing is spawning on land and in caves now so that fixed that one. thank you. but the pokemon tower is still screwy. i've surrounded it with light, made the floor dirt, used all the settings again other then underwater, and still nothing, well i cant say nothing, Pokemon are spawning on the ground outside the tower and on the roofs outside the walls. but nothing is spawning inside the tower.
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By KiraTsukasa
#138627 I honestly don't know that much about it, but I do remember someone bringing up an issue of Pokemon not spawning in Ice Spike Plains biomes, which I believe was ruled to be an issue of them not being able to be spawn on certain block types (in this case, it was snow blocks). Since I don't know if that sort of issue was fixed or not, it might be whatever your floor is made of doesn't allow Pokemon to spawn on it.
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By BryanScott
#138629 If nothing changed from how they ran in 1.7.2
I would recommend putting the spawner in the floor with blocks around and under it with nothing on top. And make sure radius is small enough to fit the room. Sadly you will have to do it on every floor.

Hope this helps.
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By MrMasochism
#138631 I've put a hard code off in the next version so if you put zero for a spawner location (air, water etc) it will fully be switched off in that location
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By SeanShirayuki
#138632 i have solved the issue with that. now only air and water pokemon spawn. but the spawner still wont work indoors. i have tried putting natural blocks i.e. dirt, grass, stone under it and 8x8 around it and nothing still spawns. does it need sky above it? if so then how would spawners in a cave system work?