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By KiraTsukasa
#138641 Have you tried using the spawners with the land spawns set to default in the config? The wiki is down so I can't try to read up on it, but maybe the spawners allow spawns only within the parameters of the config file. So if the config file says Pokemon can't spawn on land, then the spawner won't cause spawns on land.

Pretty much the only other thing I can come up with is to use Spawn of Psyduck and edit Pokemon so that they don't spawn in any biome. This would be a very long process, and you would have to set up a spawner for every Pokemon you want to spawn in the game.

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By SeanShirayuki
#138677 it works for spawning pokemon on land. the spawner just has to be put outside without any type of ceiling over it
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By SeanShirayuki
#138737 [update] figured out what it was, the spawners just do not like to spawn pokemon on ANY wooden surface at all. and i also tested and can confirm that the spawner can be completely surrounded by blocks and pokemon will still spawn from them.