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By Parth2000
#138853 I am starting a pixelmon mod gameplay series on my YouTube channel with 1000 subs
I just got back to my channel after a long time and realised pixelmon was the best mod to do a series with
But I am having great lag issues with the mod
I have a Mac book pro with 8 gigs of ram
I have turned down all my minecraft settings to stop the lag but it just won't stop
I use my webcam, screen recording softwares at the same time as well as minecraft and it produces minimal lag but pixelmon hypes the lag up a 10 times
If anyone knows how to decrease this lag please comment down below

Also this is the link to my youtube channel I hope you check it out and like some vids im back on it now after a long time and really need the support :-D

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By bobbanana09
#138960 All of the programs you're running cause lag. May I ask what recording software youre using?