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By citrusella
#139202 Why do the mod developers not want this mod distributed in modpacks?

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By MoeBoy76
#139204 the most important reason is that if you get pixelmon from our site then if something goes wrong you will come here for support/to report bugs, otherwise it is likely that you will get any help and you will just stop playing
By citrusella
#139235 So, is it allowed to make a private modpack (like you and 3 others?)
im trying to set up an LP with pixelmon, but because of the (rather stupid) Distribution ToS, I cannot. this is the only mod that i dont have permission to put in that modpack.

PLUS i have seen other modpacks use Pixelmon, so i doubt this rule is so hard and fast as is said in the ToS.
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By MoeBoy76
citrusella wrote:So, is it allowed to make a private modpack (like you and 3 others?)
im trying to set up an LP with pixelmon, but because of the (rather stupid) Distribution ToS, I cannot. this is the only mod that i dont have permission to put in that modpack.

PLUS i have seen other modpacks use Pixelmon, so i doubt this rule is so hard and fast as is said in the ToS.

it is perfectly fine if you are giving your friends a modpack (the 1 exception) but posting it publicly breaks the ToS