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By SpaZMonKeY777
#139641 So I have noticed lately, that it is possible for pixelmon to knock item frames and paintings off the walls. Especially if they are big fatt-butt pixelmon types. But what concerns me, is that it can happen in a protected zone as well.

Question #1:
Is there a way to block pixelmon from knocking itemframes/paintings down? A plugin? A special worldguard flag I missed? I have done much research but ended up with no answers on this front.

Question #2:
Is it possible to disable players from being able to summon their pixelmon in specific regions? That way I could mark off my shop areas so players can't just summon their entire team of pixelmon out and block things. Not sure if this is even doable, but it could be another solution.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully we can find some solutions. We have expensive items for sale in our shops, and we like using item frames, but it's risky if a player can eventually pop one off with their pixelmon.

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By SpaZMonKeY777
SnowBlitzz wrote:with worldguard:

1. set flag entity-item-frame-destroy to deny

2. set flag mob-spawning to deny

Done this, they can still pop item frames off the wall if they are big enough pixelmon. And although we have mob-spawning disabled, this is happening with players who toss their pixelmon out manually.
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By SnowBlitzz
SpaZMonKeY777 wrote:
SnowBlitzz wrote:with worldguard:

1. set flag entity-item-frame-destroy to deny

2. set flag mob-spawning to deny

Done this, they can still pop item frames off the wall if they are big enough pixelmon. And although we have mob-spawning disabled, this is happening with players who toss their pixelmon out manually.

Yes. Thats why I dont use the mob-spawning flag anymore because it bugs battling [If someone is standing in a mob-spawning denied area and battling with someone just outside the border, the person outside the border will instantly win and get all the exp because when the person in the mob-spawning denied area sends out his pokemon, it doesn't work and "die"]

For the item-frame issue. I also got this plugin.