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By SeanShirayuki
#139749 Not too certain if this is the right place to post this but i have a curious question, one of which that bugs me a bit, so for the first question, is it possible to make Kyogre larger like it should be since Groudon is HUGE no matter what size it is and Kyogre on it's max size is no where's near Groudon's size when the national dex states that Groudon is 11'06'' and Kyogre is 14'09'' so shouldn't Kyogre be at least a little larger then Groudon?

Another thing that i wanted to ask is, is it possible to have Sharpedo and Lanturn ridable? They can both learn surf and they're both plenty large enough.

And the last thing i had on my mind is, is it possible to have Chinchou and Lanturn emit a light source? it would make sense and i personally think it would look really cool underwater in the darkness to just see a random light swimming through the ocean.

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By SnowBlitzz
#139751 Dynamic lighting lags the game so I don't think they would add that. I've seen a reply from a similar thread months ago asking about the charmander line to emit light and they disapproved it.
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By MoeBoy76
#139754 apart from the dynamic lighting thing already mentioned, all you need to do is edit the database values for those pokemon
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By SeanShirayuki
#139781 what do you mean by editing the database values? and how would someone go about doing that? i also suppose that would have to be something done in a resource pack as well if it's for a server right?

and with the dynamic lighting thing, would it be possible to make a shader pack that makes them emit light? i ask this because one of the shader packs that i use makes it so that holding a torch or glowstone in your hands will light up the area around you and will follow you.