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By admiralforster
#139819 To fellow pixelmon players,
The one problem when i play pixelmon in single player is that i love pokemon like electrivire and porygon 2 and Z are unable to be abtained legitly in single player as you have nobody to trade with.
i suggest a machine which allows use to evolve those pokemon for a price.
the machine would require you to first put in the pokemon (e.g haunter), optionly followed by a held item (e.g. metal coat, if you wanted to turn slyther in scizzor) and then either 3 different stones (e.g water, fire, leaf or electric or sun or moon) or maybe 1 or 2 diamond blocks/3 gold/5 iron. the machine then requires a pokeball to also be inserted, then the machine will go throught a animation and the pokemon will evolve in the machine and the stone/diamonds and the held item will be consumed, then you can collect the pokemon.
leave a response if you have any suggestions and help me get this idea a reality because this machine would really help anyone who plays pixelmon in single player!
Admiral Forster