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By MoeBoy76
#139824 eggs only hatch after you walk a certain number of steps, so obviously the answer is no
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By SnowBlitzz
#139825 How about when you ride minecarts? or pokemon? does it still count the steps or no?
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#139832 Just put a weight on your w key and when you walk forward there is a pressure plate that makes a piston push you back, it is rather simple and would get you the same effect
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By SnowBlitzz
#139834 Based off your reply, I think that's a 'no' to my question XD

But yeah, that's a neat trick and I'm sure a lot of people will start doing that after realizing they can.
By grafikal
MoeBoy76 wrote:eggs only hatch after you walk a certain number of steps, so obviously the answer is no

The answer is actually Yes. Have 4 water streams that run in a circle and your feet move while you are being pushed. It does count as walking. Place ice as the floor and you'll move slightly faster. So yes, you can AFK Breed like this.