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By Burgy
#139843 Not sure. You could either try killing the Pokeball entity when it's thrown or you could teleport it away.
However I do not know it's ID or if it's Dynamic or what.

But you could deny spawning in an area like regular, but then underneath the ground you could have a pokemon spawning area that every tick a command block teleports the entities in the vicinity above ground so that it's not spawning them in the area but are being teleported to the area.
By katman098
#139894 There is no way to do this unless you can access and edit the pixelmon files to add a component where you can use a command to stop being used in certain locations with a message like "this is not the time or place to use this" or have a plugin like world guard which can stop any entity from spawning in certain locations (AKA regions).
With the second option, it seems like it doesn't work because the plugin cannot classify the pokeball entity.
Another way which is useful if you want people not to escape from somewhere is disable pokemon riding. By doing this you will take out all the chances of someone being able to use their pokemon to get away.
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By Burgy
katman098 wrote:There is no way to do this unless you can access and edit the pixelmon files to add a component where you can use a command to stop being used in certain locations with a message like "this is not the time or place to use this" or have a plugin like world guard which can stop any entity from spawning in certain locations (AKA regions).

Not true with the new @e functions for Command Blocks in vanilla minecraft, you could easily do "@e[r=20] tp ~ 10 ~" which would teleport a random entity up 10 blocks relative to it's location. Er well I guess the closest Pixelmon to the command block.
And i've done it before so...
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By Jephon
#139941 copying and pasting that into a command block hooked to a circuit doesnt seem to work. I can't figure out what about it isnt working but.. It isnt.
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By Jephon
#139994 I wonder, could a plugin/mod be coded to do this very thing? I don't think it would be possible for Pixelmon to hook to WorldGuard to provide this functionality, but could a plugin be coded as it stands right now to provide this?
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By Burgy
#140045 Most likely. But I don't see many people creating plugins right now whilst there is this limbo period between bukkit and sponge.

Unless someone wants to program a side mod.
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By Jephon
#140085 I guess side mod would be best as you are right. One thing I wish Pixelmon would open up a forum for is the offering of money for custom sidemods. But alias, this is unlikely to happen.

So I guess in that case, this is pretty much the end of this discussion until 1.8 comes out.