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By Ssayer
#140486 From the wiki:
2. If you are using Biomes O'Plenty, be sure that it is installed, then unzip the downloaded file and place the "BiomesOPlenty-PixelmonBiomePatcher.csv" file in the root Minecraft/server folder.

Might I recommend you change it to read something like:
2. If you are using Biomes O'Plenty, be sure that it is installed, then unzip the downloaded SpawnOfPsyduck.jar, navigate to "com/pqqqqq", and copy the "BiomesOPlenty-PixelmonBiomePatcher.csv" file found there to the root Minecraft/server folder.

That'll hopefully make it a bit clearer for those not too familiar with jars and their file structures.

Either way, thanks again for helping with this. It was starting to drive me nuts.

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By Some Body
#140488 It's not at that location though. It's at the root directory of the jar file and you would see it immediately upon opening the file.