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By Ssayer
#139928 I'm trying to create a new Pixelmon 3.3.2 (also tried 3.3.3) world using Biomes O'Plenty, which is advertised to work with Spawn of Psyduck. However, when I run the server, I get this error, and no Pokemon or PokeCenters in the new biomes:

Code: Select all[Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/spawnofpsy]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: /home/pixelmon/BiomesOPlenty-PixelmonBiomePatcher.csv (No such file or directory) (No such file or directory)

I've dug through the bugtracker, and there was a report regarding this issue, but it seems to have disappeared (been removed?).

There also seems to be very little chatter regarding this issue, which tells me that I'm either doing something wrong, or it's a well-known and old bug that hasn't been fixed/won't be fixed any time soon. So, my question is this: Does anybody know how to fix this, or am I better off leaving Biomes O'Plenty alone for now?

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By Charstine
#140327 I ran into this issue. I was using version of Biomes O' Plenty which is their latest version for 1.7.10. My recommendation is to try an earlier version (like BOP I think I'm using and haven't run in to any problems so far.

Of course, the config file for Spawn of Psyduck doesn't have any BOP biome IDs in it so you'll still run in to the problem of Pokemon not spawning in BOP biomes. Hope this fixes your crash problem though! :)
By Ssayer
#140402 Hmm, okay, that's good to know. I'm actually able to get the world up and running and it's generating the BOP biomes, but as you said, the biomes are empty of both Pokemon and Pokecenters. This leads me to believe that it's a Pixelmon/SOP error, but I'll poke around with some other versions.
By Ssayer
#140460 No go. Reverting to an older version of BOP only got me a null pointer exception during world generation. At least with the latest version the loads, even though Pokemon and Pokecenters don't spawn in the new biomes.

Perhaps someone who has gotten BOP/SOP to work can tell me if they have a file named "BiomesOPlenty-PixelmonBiomePatcher.csv" in their server root directory? It seems that this is the only piece needed to make everything work.
By Ssayer
#140463 Oh. Unzip the jar. Of course.

Yes, it is there, and thank you very much for pointing it out. I would strongly recommend you put a line about that in the wiki page, though. I'd never have guessed to look there.
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By Some Body
Ssayer wrote:I would strongly recommend you put a line about that in the wiki page, though. I'd never have guessed to look there.

moddersunited wrote:So I'm stuck with this same issue. I found the .csv but I'm unsure what to do with it to patch my singleplayer mods. Any thoughts?

Move it to the root Minecraft folder.