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By LeonTigre
#140794 Cool, I found the topic I was looking for!

So this isn't really much of a feature request, but more of a discussion if the following are possible or not, at least eventually.

1.) Pokemon can damage players.
The way I imagine it is, if you're on Survival, are at least on Easy, and don't have at least 1 pokemon out of its ball while you're walking, then when a wild pokemon decides to rush you it deals damage using a simple formula of [pkmndmg=(pkmnlvl/10 or 5 or 4 {Easy/Medium/Hard, respectively})], allowing lvl100 to do as much damage as iron golems.

It would be an interesting discussion about sacrifical attacks like Explode or SelfDestruct, potentially turning specific pokemon like Gravelers, Electrodes, etc. as the next creepers, and the only way of "safely" dealing with them is through pokemon battling (where their enviro-effects are not "registered").

2.) Players can damage pokemon.
I figure that, to make such interesting, knockback won't be in effect for both sides. This could turn player-vs-pokemons into risky, all-or-nothing affairs, thus necessitating the reliability of pokemon to do the battling for you (and not make it so that you won simply by virtue of cheating-through-knockback).

As I said, I just want a discussion about these. I'm totally accepting if these features would never be implemented, but the very least I would like in return are justifiable AND/OR technical explanations as to why not.

If at all possible, then I'd love to help make it happen... though my lack of programming skills will keep me from doing so for years until I learn JAVA or something.