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By temper
#140079 Can someone explain this syntax? It makes no sense and I cannot find any example, explanation, or other uses of it anywhere. I really do not want to have to decompile to figure it out as mods tend to be a pain in the ass to deobfuscate most of the time.

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# This lets you choose which dimensions the pixelmon spawner will operate in
I:"Dimensions Pokemon will spawn in" <

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By MoeBoy76
#140080 you put the dimension ids in that part (comma separated) and pixelmon will spawn in those dimensions, some examples -1 is the Nether and 20 is Galacticrafts Moon
By temper
#140081 Thank you, so comma separated, so it is indeed an array. Never seen an array in a forge CFG till now. Thank you, saved me a headache!
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By MrMasochism
#140271 It's not comma separated, each entry goes on a new line. Forge's config arrays are weird