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By Perstranger
#140176 Hey Guys,

I remember there being a PokeRadar mod which lets you easily search for Pixelmon on a map. I am wondering if there are more mods like that that are frequently updated and are available for these recent few updates.


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By MoeBoy76
Perstranger wrote:Hey Guys,

I remember there being a PokeRadar mod which lets you easily search for Pixelmon on a map. I am wondering if there are more mods like that that are frequently updated and are available for these recent few updates.


the side-mod team is preparing to release and official finder soon, there are currently some issues that are preventing release
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By Tahlavos17
#140183 well if you want to install liteloader to your minecraft profile with it being chained to your forge profile the there is always zan's minimap with the mob radar for the time being
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By DJ_FluXxX
#140239 If you need only a text-based location finder, Pixelmon Extras has one built in. If this is for a server, you'll need a minimap/gameshark.