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By SpaZMonKeY777
#140579 I had some players on my server bring this question up on my forum, so I thought I would bring it up here. It seems when you go to register for a new account, it asks for your Minecraft account password so it can display your proper skin on the forum.

Links: ucp.php?mode=register

Here is the reasoning it gives:
In order to display an avatar and have access to certain forums, we must verify your Minecraft account.
Please make certain the email address you entered above is the email address you use for Minecraft logins.
This password is only used for account verification and will not be stored.

Now why on earth would the pixelmon team be asking for players passwords? There is NO reason to ask for a password, anyone with a decent amount of account security knows that you never give your password to anyone, not even to a Mojang employee.

Now I am not accusing anyone of stealing accounts, as I trust it really doesn't store the password, etc, but it's still a very shady thing to have on your registration page. Other sites (Like Enjin, etc) have ways to grab an accounts skin WITHOUT a password, so why request it here?

Again, I love pixelmon and thank the team greatly for all their work, but my community raised this question to me, so I thought I would bring it here to shed some light. Thanks!

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By MoeBoy76
#140580 Enjin doesn't ask for your password cos they use a OAuth sort of solution where you go to your account and allow access, all our forums do is that but without the redirects, nobodys password is stored (as stated)
That said, they don't have to do it if they don't want to as it isn't required
By ToxicRyan
#140642 I've never used Optifine so I wouldn't know. sorry >.< I'm always skeptical when it asks for a password to something.

Like "You must enter your Minecraft password in "Edit Account Settings" to select an avatar."

It just seems pointless to require a Minecraft password do use an avatar. Restrictions are still restrictions.