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By Calle_Ocho
#140651 Hello, I was wondering if there is an auction plugin that is compatible with Pixelmon? Why I ask this is because with the auction plugin I have, when someone puts a pixelmon item into an auction, it calls the item "Unknown" so I was wondering if there is possibly a auction plugin that works with Pixelmon? Thanks.

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#140711 if you use floauction, you need so it knows what the mod items are (you have to enter the ids manually)
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By Ren
#141074 Exactly what SPG said.
FloAuction has been the most reliable for myself and others it seems. The only problem is it take a bit of time to set up, and can be a pain in the butt when forge switches IDs. But all in all, if youre willing to put in the time to set it up, your player base will enjoy its features.