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By Neon00
#140756 Sorry if this is in the wrong section or anything, but right now I'm working on an adventure map and I've come across a few issues that I can't find a work-around for.

Three of the primary issues are rivals, wild pokemon, and re-battles. For rivals and re-battles with the elite 4, the one way I can think of to do it is 3 versions of each region for the rival and 2 versions of each for the champion, with 6 versions of the region. That would be tedious, repetitive, and annoying to work with. Secondly, wild pokemon. I want to limit wild pokemon to the ones that spawn from the spawners. Not having ones randomly flying around and spawning that shouldn't be.

The second issue is the Battle-Frontier. The real issue with that is players will probably have higher than lvl 50 by the time they get there. And I'd have to have an honor system so they don't cheat. Is there any work-around, or will I have to set the Battle Frontier to lvl 100s?

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By Some Body
#140758 For wild Pokémon, you can remove the Overworld from dimensions where Pokémon spawn in order to prevent natural spawns.

I'll let people who are more experienced with command blocks and command manipulation answer the other two issues.
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By XiaoKe
#140764 Well for the rival and the Elite 4 it's going to depend on if you want them to have the same team or not. If it is the same team all you need to do is set the battle time for the trainer appropriately. If each time they are different I would recommend also using the Custom NPCs mod. The way I worked it out is first you talk with the NPC then they will teleport you to a battle area underground where I have a Trainer set to start the battle with you immediately after you enter then after the battle is done it teleports you back to the NPC. It honestly depends on whether your Rival and Elite 4 are going to be in different places each time and whether their Team is going to be the same each time or not. It also depends on if you are planning on having other mods installed in addition to Pixelmon.