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By flamingbeats
#140800 I've been thinking about making a map but the problem is that I want to make it so that pixelmon spawn from the spawners only and I can't seem to figure out how to do so. Is there a way for me to have them only spawn from a spawner or is there not?

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By MagnaCharge
#140801 If I'm not mistaken which I may.
Go to your config and turn off all the the ones that say (Pokemon spawning Number - Number)
and then I believe it will make it to where only /pokespawn and spawners will spawn it
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By MrMasochism
#140807 An even simpler way is just to remove the 0 from the list of spawn dimensions in the pixelmon.cfg
By flamingbeats
MrMasochism wrote:An even simpler way is just to remove the 0 from the list of spawn dimensions in the pixelmon.cfg

when i get on my computer at home ill try it out and see if it works, and i know that can completely stop the spawning of gen 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 using the config as well. thanx for the sugestion.
By flamingbeats
MagnaCharge wrote:If I'm not mistaken which I may.
Go to your config and turn off all the the ones that say (Pokemon spawning Number - Number)
and then I believe it will make it to where only /pokespawn and spawners will spawn it

I think they got rid of the number thing your talking about in the config.
By flamingbeats
Some Body wrote:No, those are still there ("Max number of x Pokémon (at one time)").

oh it is i didn't see it in the config, I must have not even noticed. If you could please tell me where this statement is in the config what line number or what statement is before or after it?