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By JeanMarc
#140898 Hey guys, I have been fooling around wit hsome of pixelmon extra's commands, but I have no clue how you're supposed to teach a TM if the move has 2 words. I tried simply with a space, no space and an underscore, but nothing worked. Does anyone know how to correctly use it?

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By MagnaCharge
#140900 Here's how to properly teach a TM/HM.

Throw out pokemon using the default button R
Right click your pokemon with the TM/HM if the pokemon can learn it should pop up a gui where you can replace a move for the TM/HM
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By Some Body
MagnaCharge wrote:Here's how to properly teach a TM/HM.

Throw out pokemon using the default button R
Right click your pokemon with the TM/HM if the pokemon can learn it should pop up a gui where you can replace a move for the TM/HM

Someone doesn't know about Pixelmon Extras.

Anyway, this seems like a bug. I've also found another issue with it as well, so I'll post a bug report about this.