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By PandaNinjaRawr
#140945 I've been walking for over 10395 steps now, and my Skarmory egg still isn't even close to hatching. I've been sprinting back and forth on this server's starting island I'm on and that's how I know the distance. But according to Bulbapedia, it should only take about 6-7k steps to hatch it. Am I doing something wrong? Is my egg glitched??

By PandaNinjaRawr
#141005 Well seems like nobody knows the answer...

Well my egg finally hatched, after walking probably more than 30000 steps by now. I've tried sprinting and walking, I don't know if it made a difference, but I am hoping that this is a glitch. A Skarmory egg should only take about 6-7k steps to hatch.